< SmartMobility

SmartMobility is a project of

Smart Environments and Technologies

Smart Environments and Technologies group was created to capitalize on the CRS4 results in industrial research, by creating paths of exploitation in partnership with the industry sector, to foster innovation through technology transfer.

CRS4, in collaboration with academia and research bodies, promotes strategic projects involving the local business ecosystem.

Outcomes in industrial research projects provide an openness access layer, to encourage the development of vertical applications by local SMEs, within Open Business paradigms for collaboration.

Presently, the main strategic projects are in the areas of Smart City, Smart Mobility, and Logistics. They are developed within a structured network of Research Bodies and Large and Small Enterprises.

Smart City is particularly interesting in terms of open business paradigm. Both for the widespread of technologies at stake and cross-impact of applications in significant sectors in the local economy: transport, culture, agribusiness, and tourism. The open business paradigm allows creating conditions to stimulate growth and innovation in the system of local enterprises.